Saturday, January 3

Year 2009

Well, for a start, I shall greet you all with a Happy New Year or am I too late?? Oh wells, 2008 was supposed to be a prosperous year because as those feng shui masters say that the number eight represents prosperity. Hmmmm, how about year 2009?? Being in a government school for four years and starting my fifth year now, I've learnt what 9 meant in chinese.(you won't find the meaning in the chinese dictionary, it is through people who usually speaks rough chinese.) I won't go any further in that number. I wonder what those feng shui masters have got to say this time?? Bad year?? LOLs!! Anyways, as usual, the startin of the year with friends wishing happy new year getting ang paus (red packets) at late January, being told by my aunts how I've grown. "Ah boy, still so skinny ar you? Must eat more!! Nah, I give you MY chicken." If one relative were to do that, I guess I wouldn't mind but having twenty of them. I guess I won't go hungry for a year. Man, I'm talking about something that is gonna happen later. Okays, I will go into that when Chinese New Year has passed. xD 2009 is gonna be my last year in school and its gonna start in two days time. It sucks and it rocks. I can get out of my boring holidays and go into another roller coaster ride with my beloved teachers once again not to mention meeting the canes my disciplinary teachers are holding too. I'm not a bad boy alright. I'm just a little mischevious. That's all. I am bored here, that's why I'm blogging. LOLs!! Btw, my new year resolutions.. For those of you who asked me, hmmmm, I've got none again for this year cause new eyar resolutions are bound to be broken so I'd rather not make any resolutions if I know I'm gonna break it.

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