Thursday, January 15

I'm Freaking Tired La!!!

Today was like hell but not hell, you get what I mean? I had to wait for my transport home for approximately 3 hours. Furthermore, at the bus stop, it was like hot and humid so I guess you could imagine my condition that time. Sweating like there's no tomorrow and feeling sticky all over. Yea, including inside but please not too in alright? *awkward moment of silence*

Okaaayyyyysssss.. Moving on. I'm not sure why I typed the title saying I'm tired but seriously my brain is now defunct. Haha!! But still, I'm capable of typing this rubbish for you folks to look at. Don't be impressed cause I already am at myself. xD So what the heck am I doing now you may wonder. I'm freaking tired of thinking of a topic to write la of course!! LOLs!!

O yea, I remembered today I'll write about something more interesting right? I guess you ain't interested at it huh?? Hahaha!! Sorrys. Well, today at school. Okay, normally at school, the boys in my class have this chat. Urm, a 'chat' about some boy stuff. C'mon its not surprising. Boys talking boy stuff. *another awkward silence* Okay okay, its going to the wrong direction. It is actually supposed to be this way if you get what I'm talking about. So being a christian, I don't know these stuffs like urm, urm, urm. Boys things la, I won't go on on that matter. Haiyo!! I'm not some sicko alright. So my friend who is also a christian and I went curious. So we bombarded them with those questions that went deep. For example we asked questions such as 'How long does it take to *ahem*?' 'Is it fun?' 'What?' This that this that. You know. It was pure knowledge alright even though we went to those really deep stuff and laughed till we went half dead.

Hmmmm. I broke a chair today. It wasn't my fault but because of my friends, my chair was like literally ROSAK!! While going to change my chair, I thought it was useless so I threw it and it went kafreakingboom!! LOLs!! Okay, I know you're not laughing. It didn't go kafreakingboom but a loud thud did give out okay. I knew it was bad to do that and it could bring me trouble but seriously it gave me a nice sensation after I did that. I wish I could do that again. Furthermore, I went bonkers on my head today while riding on Derek's back down the stairs to the canteen but it was crazily FUN. Okay, that is for today. Tomorrow, another freaking day. Sayonara amigos!! Whoa!! Japanese plus Spanish!! Japanish!! *coldness rushing to every part of your skin* Kisses for you, Jessica and *ahem* Him alright. =)

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