Tuesday, January 6

2nd Day in School

School sucked two days in a row. I really wished school ever existed. I mean, who doesn't wish over that? I got one of the worst places to sit in class. Sweating has become a norm nowadays when school starts. Sighs. I'm pretty much pissed over school, over my life over there. I just can't fit in anymore. I don't know why but why is it that life is like changing. Rumours over all those break ups, gangsters and stuff. Sighs, I guess I just can't live like this anymore huh?? This year is the final year and I'm fussing over a little matter. I can't sit with the people I want anymore. Not sure when I'm gonna go abroad. Why am I feeling emo-ish since the start of school? WTH?? i don't even know what the heck I'm actually typing now. I'm just writting a piece of my mind and I know no one sees it and its good GOOD!! I'm really a downer right now..

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