Wednesday, January 7

Another Sucky Day

School sucks. I guess this sentence has no end to it. I ended up being the ketua kebersihan and head of add maths. For those of you who don't uunderstand bahasa, ketua kebersihan means head of the cleaning division or rather the chief rubbishman of my class. It freaking sucked. Had to bear it even though I hated it. If only smart people were the ones who ruled the school world. No offence but I guess some teachers are really brainless. Putting me as head of that? I guess my class will be the dirtiest and the worst oriented add math class in the whole school history. I hate my school life. The life I'm living in my school is all fake with loads of my fake friends, letting others think that I'm a person with a great life but instead the other way round. Sighs. School sucks. Who can I freaking turn to?? When I need you, you aren't there. Just not. Why is it when bad times come, the person closest to you just isn't there?? This sucks. It really does. Well, for the first time this year, I will be a person whom people will describe as a nerd. You know what NERD means?? In my way of meaning, its Newbies Entering Real Dimensions. Not bad huh?? Hahaha!! Wait, its not really relevant, the meaning is more of like NOOB or something. xD Anyways, Chinese New Year is coming, another bad week. Urgh!!

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