Friday, February 27

Sometimes, Sports Day, Tuition

Sports Day was today. In fact I'm not actually happy over what had happened. Its my last year and my team lost. -.-
I regretted about 2 things today.
Firstly, not bringing my phone to the stadium to take pictures for blogging.
Secondly, for saying no to teacher to run. So felt like running all of a sudden. xD Miss running back then.

After all these crap, I had to rush my way to tuition. Tuition started and I was half awake. Barely able to understand what the teacher was saying as my mind was on its journey to lala - land.

Came back home with nothing but tiredness printed on my forehead. Sigh..
Sometimes, were you ever misunderstood?
To be unappreciated?
To be blamed upon?
To be used?
To be mistaken for?
To be ignored?
To be treated with good affections for the wrong reasons?
To be taken advantage of?
To be the person that people who throw their anger on you for no particular reason?
I'm not talking about anyone of you. Its just a thought. Don't all of us feel this way at times? Hahaha!!

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