Tuesday, February 10

Mercy Project Reminder

Okay, some of you people might not like what I'm writting. Saying, 'Joshua, why write christian stuff one?' But seriously, I know I should've written this quite sometime before but just didn't have the guts or wits as some say to write this. 

For those of you who went for Mercy Project camp, here's something I wanna say. Do you actually remember what we've prayed for?? Have you ever encountered a person being helpless and you just ignored him/her straight away without thinking twice?? Well, I guess its time to change. I'm not sure what I'm writting here but I know I should've done this long ago. I hope that every YPF-er would read this. It's something that we should always think about. Why do we think of changing the world or what not Malaysia even if we can't even change our thinking towards the weak in our society. So I urge all of us including me of course to just try our best to change our perception. Don't be too friendly of course but just give a smile. Not to give the wrong impression but just a smile that Jesus would do. Think positively of them. You think they might rob you? No worries, God is our protector. He is I AM, so no worries. Just let them know that God loves them just by a simple smile. No need food or what. JUST A SMILE. 

God bless people!! Take care and continue your journey with Him in your lives. xD

1 comment:

Wei-I said...

hey i like this post...a timely reminder indeed! Hope u dun mind dat i linked ur entry in my latest post? =P

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