Wednesday, February 25

Last Day of Exams

Okay, on the previous post, it was stated that yesterday was my last day of exams but the real fact is today is the last day since I'm taking Art as my extra subject. Sigh!! I suddenly realize I'm taking 11 subjects. Slightly more than usual. Urgh!!! I just hope I don't screw it up. Btw, I didn't do good for my add math. Sigh. I don't wanna comment about it.

Why is it that I can't concentrate on my studies? I just don't understand. 

I have to have more concentration, less laptop, less handphone, less outings, less phone calls, less communication, less everything!! Seriously, you think it'll work? Don't be dumb. It wouldn't. I'm not those kind of people who gets turned on by books. Reference books for that matter. I don't mind books. I love 'em, but I don't get enought time to read them.

People say I'm random. Do you think the same?

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