Tuesday, March 17

A Peek Into My Future

This post is about what happened two days back. Sorry for being so slow. Anyways, Sunday was normal and since church was near, we decided to stop by Mid Valley for an education fair. Chi Wei offered me to have dinner and badminton with them but I reluctantly said no since I couldn't make it.

Eh wait, before venturing towards the education fair, I had a dose of McDonalds!! I need energy alright.

Ah, education fair. Met Bryan over there and weirdly enough, met the rest in MPH. Nixon, Adriel, Cedric, Joshua, Bryan and well, others. That's all I remember though.

Look at this piece of art. Edible you know. At first, I was approached by the promoters saying(In Chinese) " Excuse me, would you like to taste this bread? Nice right? Would you like to join the baking Academy?" Seriously, do I actually look like some baker boy? Even though the art and food may be nice but I guess I shall have higher expectations. =)

When walking to The Gardens, was wondering why on earth is my car doing out there in the midst of the crowd while letting them take pictures of and with my car. Privacy please!! Hahaha!! (Its a Lambo!!!)

Finally after shopping and buying stuff and getting a peek into what I want to be, went to Tesco to restock my shelves with Gold!! More GOLD!! Then went back home. Came online and realized I had 777 visitors..

Not bad ay? For a start... I like that number.

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