Saturday, March 14

Edward Cullen & More

I wonder why are girls so interested in Edward Cullen. Seriously!! I have more than 6 friends proclaiming they are Mrs.Cullen which is rather dumb for such statement. Some even think that he is indeed real in their lives. Such rubbish I must say but I can't deny that all girls who read the story book will indeed fall in love with him. What's wrong with this world??!! Hahahaha.. Well, I reckon its a very good book? If only we boys have a book that would make us feel the same way. Then it would be good so it would annoy them girls like it annoyed us. Those who agree say aye!!

Ah well, I was vernturing into this novel called 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. And I came across this sentence that really struck me. For those of you out there who flaunt your talents and boast till there's no tomorrow, here's a sentence for you.

"People in their right minds never take pride in their talents" said Miss Maudie

That is so true. Don't think that talents alone build you up as a fellow that everyone yearns for. Seriously, its just something God given you so use it for Him, not for FAME or other things that shows you off. Ahha!! Gotcha!!

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