Tuesday, June 9

Short Talk - Fair Indians & a Whole Lot of Gibberish!!

You see right, there were two indian girls talking to each other when I was paying my tuition fees. So while we were lining up they both interacted.

Girl 1: Eh, you become darker already lah!!
Girl 2: (With an astonished sound) What? Really? Eh, you become darker too!!
Girl 1: (In disbelief) Where got?
Girl 2: Got!!

They went ahead and paid their fees and went to their respective classes after that. The thing that kept me thinking was, they weren't fair indians, no offence. I looked at them and well,  was dumbfounded and seriously tried to contain my laughter, you have to see the other guy next to me. He was crying. I mean he laughed till he cried. Duh!! 

This is not to offend any race but the thing is, if you're really really really dark, you don't have to comment on how much darker you've been cause you see, for others there's no difference. ==

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