Saturday, June 20

Art Again

Been busy with art. Whole thing is in a mess. I'm taking so long to finish a drawing without any mood. The left part of my body near my ribcage hurts from time to time. Sigh. Well, here's a few pics on my art and how it progressed.

One of the reka letak parts. I know it sucks. Seriously, the real picture I drew is a little worse compared to the picture. Somehow the picture taken made it look a little nicer. I took apicture of it while doing cause I was worried the last part not coloured over on the bottom right might destroy it somehow.

And yes, it did spoil the entire thing. Sigh. A little disappointed. I really don't have the heart to continue this rubbish.


And now, I'm about to do the other one. Urgh, the agony of going through suffering once more bores me out. Signing off. Enjoy the picture!!

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