Friday, February 1


Today was tiring. Went to get my shoes at mid valley. It was 10am when i woke up. Was dreaming bout the Converse shoe that i have always wanted for the last two months. LOLS. i dreamt that i was marrying it. Weird huh? I thought it was weird too but you know about dreams. Once you're dreaming about it, you can't stop it or change its story. So there I was in the chapel with my 'bride' and the father would then explain marriage and finally came to an 'I do' question. That shoe was in a weird gown. Realy hard to explain though. It was really weird. then I said I do and the shoe would then nod in agreement. Then I KISSED it. I KISSED a freaking shoe. In the dream I was really happy, really bahagia. ( in an easier term of explaining it) Then I remembered I was carrying it to the 'just married' car when I woke up suddenly out of fear. It really made me shook. LOLS. (But it hasn't made me dislike you my darling Converse shoe.) So I woke up, sweating despite sleeping in an air conditioned room and went to the bathroom and refreshed myself although still traumatized by that horrific dream. Then started my day as usual, read the bible, pray, then fiddle with the tv remote a bit and tapping on the numberpads of my phone and bla bla.. You know. Its not like I will tell you everything like I went to toilet and stuff. LOLS..

Then about 3 o'clock, my family and I went out to mid valley to 'window shop' (If you know wat it is. -.- Like duh!!) Then the 'thing' I wanted so long in my life popped right in my mind. Oh, my darling, finally we can be together.. I thought in my mind. Super excited, I took out my wallet to check for some greens and to my dissapointment, it was all blue. a pathetic 6 ringgit. Argh!!! I realized I was short of 143.90 ringgit to buy my darling. Oh no!! But wait, I could just grab a bit of money from my father's wallet. He wouldn't notice a difference. All these naughty thoughts flooded my mind. Well, of course I didn't do it. Not that despearate. LOLS.. Then we circled mid valley for a long time as I pleaded my dad for my darling shoes. My dad would say "No Joshua, how many times do you want to hear me say? NOOOOO!!!!!" Then I would put a long face to attract my father's attention. "Joshua, that's not gonna help you. Seriously.." After a long time of persistence, my dad finally gave in. "You don't ask me, go ask mommy.." My mom then gave in too. Whoa!! I was on top of the world. I was so happy until SUDDENLY!! Suddenly my dad said "Joshua, look at this shoe right here.. It is twenty dollars cheaper.. Some more it looks similar with that shoe of yours and its ADMIRAL!! Eh, England brand you know, no play play.." Oh no!!! My heart broke into pieces. It was like loosing a girlfriend. "Oh but Ah di, it IS different!!! Look at the name.. CONVERSE and ADMIRAL.. Where got same?!" Without hesitation my dad said "Nah, here is the money, take it or leave it. We'll get the Converse shoes next time okay?" Then as I had no choice, I took the money unwillingly and bought it. Then after buying it, I told my father "I haven't forgotten what you said. I don't care, I will still go to Converse after some time. LOLS.. So kiasu right?

After all the commotion, my dad decided that we go back home after a long day at mid valley. My father then said with a glee "Joshua, say bye to your darling.. We're going home now.." I'm sure he was really glad that he bought that for me. Obviously. We went home and still, I could see that evil grin on my father's face.. But still, I'm glad that I got my shoes already after such a long time of living without a 'real' shoe. THANKS DADDY and my darling Converse.. Wait for me yea.. I'll get you..


Hui Xian said...

lol..converse freak:P

Sherril 雪乐 said...

haha.. imagine you and your shoes marrying. When I read till this sentence, I really couldn't stop myself from laughing. Really brighten up my day! Btw, nice background with my favourite blue colour!=)

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