Friday, July 31

Blue Cheese, Hectic-ness, Bad Weather.

A week has passed and thus, I shall post my routines up for you to read. Yes, dreadful routines of Joshua. Well, anyways, if you know me well, you should know that I crave cheese a lot. A LOT!!! A few days back, I had my taste of what seems to be the worst cheese I've ever tasted. Yes, you got it right, BLUE CHEESE....

It tasted weird at first but its bad effect kinda wore off slowly and I got a little addicted to it. The first try made me real nauseous but slowly, I got used to it. Not really USED to it but well, you get what I mean. It isn't finished yet. Somebody left the cheese under his table to see it rot and grow maggots before throwing it away. Uhuh..

Today sure was hectic. Was so pissed over a guy who smoked in front of me, knowing that I didn't like the smoke, the lad continued with his guilty pleasure, smoking away, ignoring the fact that I'm suffocating under his cloud of carbon dioxide and nicotine. Ish!!!! Other that that, the bus that was near was blazing hot, mercilessly showering me with black smoke and with a weather like no other, I could smell bad odours around me. Not me, but AROUND me. Sigh.

The weather............................................................................... I shan't talk about it.

Yes, tuition at Kasturi is really dreadful. I went to tuition because of 4 reasons.

4.Yes, you again.

Going there just to be closer and having a couple more glimpse before I say bye. But ever since, the time table's changed for you. Tuition over there has been really dreadful.

Momentarily, life's a drag, don't you think so?

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