Friday, June 20

What A Day

Well, today, for the first time of my life, there was this event in school about a singing competition. May I present you *drums rolling* MUTIARA IDOL. -.- Yea, it wasn't really fancy with Ryan Seacrest entertaining the crowd but hey, its still a singing competition. Anyways, I can't say much or else I might just condemn the person singing the song. But overall, the crowd including me gave quite a good response even when the song that was sung by the person really sucked. To cut short the whole thingy, Matthew won the Mutiara Idol. I wasn't really convinced but who cares, it wasn't me who joined the contest. Hmmm, it really makes me think that natural born talent really is hard to find. It's like finding a needle in a hay stack. =) To my expectation, I think its kinda impossible finding a very polished singer in this school but I believe there is. Well, my class didn't have any teaching as the fire drill was on operation today. It was so freaking hot. Could've darken my face even more.. be more like him. LOLs!!!

Anyways, after school, I went to catch a movie. This week is Get Smart. (Looks like I watch a movie almost every week recently..) I recommend it to you guys to watch it. It's funny. But still, for me, I prefer the Kung Fu Panda. Get Smart is about this dude who acted in Evan Almighty and Bruce Almighty(Steve Carell) who plays the character, Maxwell Smart, who is accompanied by Anne Hathaway playing his better half, Agent 99. Alan Arkin checks in as The Chief this time around. Maxwell Smart and gang battle an evil syndicate know as KAOS to try and prevent them from world domination. This show is something like Johnny English so I don't have to say much. Try watching it. It is funny. Really funny. I rate it an 8 out of 10.

After the movie, I had to go for Bible Knowledge class with Zi Yang. I came out a little late, at 4.30 and the class starts at 4.30. I felt so guilty but then I realized we had to wait for another guy that is Nicholaus for the class. We waited from 4.30 till 5 and then decided to call him. Called him and finally decided not to come. (What the???) Zi Yang was really pissed as he really wanted Nick to come so we trotted our legs to BK without Nick. Soon thereafter, everything was back to normal. Class ended at 630 and I met my father on the way walking back home and got a ride from my dad back. Sighs.. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired!!!!

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