Friday, June 13

Kung-Fu Panda

Talking about Kung Fu panda, I've watched it yesterday. It was really, really, really, really, really FUNNY!!!! This movie talks about a panda by the name of Po who is a son to an owner of a noodle shop that desires to be a Kung Fu fighter. Much to my surprise, his father is a duck. LOLs.. Even though it was a weird combination of a duck and a panda, it was still nice to watch them together. Okay, enough about the father and son thingy. Then later in the show, he was chosen to be the legendary saviour of the country to defeat the bad guy which I forgot the name. He was then trained in order to fight the bad guy. That training was really funny. It made me laugh non-stop. In the end, he... I'm not gonna tell you everything. Go watch it yourself. It is really worth watching but not worth watching twice. I give it an 8 out of 10.

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