Monday, March 23

Li Ling's Birthday (Part 2)

So the birthday cake was created to an almost perfection!! Haha.. Just kidding. Then we headed to The Ling's crib WITHOUT the song to meet the rest. Apparently, she was out with her friends shopping I suppose and we were supposed to meet the rest and give her a surprise in her room.

As you can see here, Jonathan is showing off. He was carrying the guitar but no song was composed. Okay, I was to blame too. Didn't pay much attention to creating a song. So we had to sing the normal happy birthday song. -.-


Posers again!!

We were waiting.....

She came.. Surprised!! Then came to cutting cake. Look, she's waiting for her Valentine!!

Not the entire group picture but still, this is the most I've got.

This was with the boys. I'm in it. =)

Then when we were done talking and hanging around, we went to mamak before going back home.

So that was basically what happened during Li Ling's birthday party. Fun you're asking? Yes!! Very much. With the YPF!! That's classic. Okay, gotta go. Byes!!

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